Dip(Hom) Med MABCH MCAHyp
Advanced Hypnotherapy
Emotion Code
Sound Therapy
Energy Work
Spiritual Development
Are you feeling depressed, anxious or stressed?
Are your relationships hard to handle?
Do you want to free yourself from fears and phobias?
Are you seeking a more spiritual life?
If your answer to any of these questions is 'Yes" or even "Maybe", then please give me a call on 01344 779551 for an initial, no obligation chat about how I might help you, or send me an email from the link below.
Have a look to see how I might help you >
(Fees are at the bottom of the page)
"I will step into the field of all possibilities and anticipate the excitement that can occur when I remain open to an infinity of choices. When I step into the field of all possibilities, I will experience all the fun, adventure, magic, and mystery of life"
Deepak Chopra
I bring a wealth of experience...
Working with clients for 40 years I have heard most things, so don't worry if you feel unsure about talking about your problem.
Speaking about it usually helps, even if you are worried that there's nothing that can be done to fix it.
"I have had this for ages, it will take ages to go", is a common phrase I hear. And my answer is, "not necessarily!"
The years have taught me that everyone is unique. We all have our own personalities and individual sets of beliefs and understandings. Therefore, each client requires an individual approach.
So, during my years as a therapist I have gathered together a tried and tested collection of gentle but effective therapies. The common denominator is that they all work with the subconscious....this is where we have to go if we want real change to take place.
I qualified as a Hypnotherapist/Hypnohealer 32 years ago (having qualified as a Homeopath seven years before that).
After working with the physical for many years, I realised that the mind is where we store our negative issues and beliefs and that is where we need to go to change them.
Some people occasionally voice concerns about Hypnosis. All I can say is, it is a safe and elegant therapy. At no time will you be unconscious and at no time will you be out of control in any way. I always spend time describing what it is and how it works if I am using it. It is possible to get amazing results with it.
In the last eight years I have added EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) which is used by renowned practitioners worldwide (including Paul Mckenna) to quickly and painlessly resolve psychological and physical problems, using tapping on acupuncture meridian points. EFT can be a valuable tool to manage thoughts and feelings and is something you can take away with you and use for the rest of your life.
At the same time I also qualified as an Advanced PSYCH-K Practitioner (https://psych-k.com/) championed by Bruce Lipton . This remarkable process uses energy points to reveal our hidden blocks which affect things like our self-esteem and then re-set them with beneficial ones.
Some time after this I became a certified Emotion Code Practitioner. This amazing therapy was developed by Dr Bradley Nelson (https://drbradleynelson.com/) and is designed to clear blocked emotions trapped in the body in the past, which may be causing physical and emotional problems in the present.
I also added a remarkable Sound Healing technique using harmonics tuned to sacred proportions. Using tuning forks it is possible to clear the aura and tune the chakras. This is also very good for clearing pain.
Our Mind, Body and Spirit are always looking to get into alignment. When this occurs, magic happens. This is the basis of the work.
I am always pushing the boundaries of how to connect with our deepest potential, our innate capability to shine. As we strengthen the connection with this part of ourselves we can begin to transform our lives.
Many issues and complexities affect us in our daily lives - using all the tools I have gathered together, a great deal can be done to create relief and release from these things.
By using HYPNOSIS, EFT, PSYCH-K and EMOTION CODE to disconnect old patterns of behaviour and rejuvenate the body, I have helped many people to resolve difficult physical, mental and emotional problems.
A combination of techniques tailored to the client, produce quick and lasting relief from anxiety, depression, relationship issues (I do work with couples), confidence, chronic illness, panic attacks, pain, addictions, fears, phobias, spiritual issues and many more.See "What People Say" further down the page.
I regularly see young clients, particularly teenagers who are having difficulties with school, confidence, exams, bullying, anxiety etc.
I mainly see clients face to face but with the versatility of many of these therapies can also do telephone or Zoom sessions which are very effective.Timing is everything. If you feel inspired/intrigued by what you have read, then I look forward to assisting you with the challenges you are facing on this amazing journey we call life.
It's good to talk but if we want change, then we need something deeper
Release Your Subconscious Fears
Start to live the life of your dreams
Tapping to calm the brain
"the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system"
Emotion Code
Clear Emotions
Work with the body to release old stuck emotions
Powerful Body Work
Reset your belief systems
Sound Therapy
Healing Sound
Beautiful toning sounds to realign your chakras
Energy Work
Work with The Field to resolve Present and Ancestral Issues without any drama
NOTE: I work Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday
Fees at the bottom of the page
Get In Touch
I'm Here to Help
See Testimonials Below
Crowthorne, Berkshire, United KingdomTuesday to Thursday 11.00 -17.3001344779551What People Say
I am really grateful to all my clients who have generously written testimonials for this section
Lost My Way
"I was in a very dark place when a colleague of mine advised me to try sessions with Fenella as she praised her. I didn't know what to expect and most importantly, as I felt hopeless within myself, I thought no one could do anything for me anymore. I had years of therapy when I was living in France so I thought I tried everything to get my head out of the water. I didn't want to go through therapy again but yet I needed help.
Fenella offers a different approach, she explained me as well that it doesn't necessarily take years of therapy to heal someone, but just the right approach, the right therapy if I can say so.
I can't praise Fenella enough, she IS A-M-A-Z-I-N-G, after only a few sessions I'm a totally different person.If you would have told me that months ago, I would have never believed it.
I have a totally different vision of life now, it's as if Fenella took my black glasses off to swap with pink glasses. And I have to say, it's so much better to see life through pink glasses :-) Thank you so much Fenella 🙂"
I found myself needing some help with low mood and anxiety. I liked the sound of Fenella so we started work together. I liked her style of hypnosis and the special recordings she made for me to use when at home. We were even able to modify the imaging so my brain could follow her into deeper relaxation/ hypnosis. I also liked her quirkiness with treatments, eg the sound/ vibration treatment etc. Her whole manner is calming, reassuring and empowering.
I'm feeling back to normal now, but I have no doubt I'll need a tune up from time to time, and I know exactly who to go and see.
Thank you - I love our sessions.
It makes me feel set free and I’m truly grateful for that.
Stress at Work
I just wanted to drop you a note to say a massive thank you from me. I still cannot believe how successful my sessions with you have been. 6 weeks on I am back at work, feeling more positive, stronger and happier. I feel life is settling down but even when it throws me challenges. Which is has already! I am now able to manage them without my anxiety taking over. Thank you so much for helping me overcome my anxiety and confidence in myself. I feel more like my old self again. I felt so relaxed in our sessions and you were able to relate and help me express what I felt inside. If only this treatment could be considered as a NHS service.
“I had a few sessions with Fenella and after the first I felt considerably better. My anxiety was dealt with by hypnotism, which I was sceptical about, but it worked helping me to relax and I was given a recording of my session which I listen to at night. Fenella is very professional and understanding and I have no hesitation in recommending her services. I shall certainty call upon her if needed in the future.”
Personal Development
Well, I feel quite different! Thank you again for all your help with my development, it has helped move me on so much! It was exactly what I needed every time.
Fears about Chemotherapy
I came to see Fenella to help lower my anxiety about coping with chemotherapy and the side effects that I feared so much. Using many techniques to get to the route of my fears Fenella helped me to relax and know that my body would cope perfectly well. Other issues came up whilst I was seeing Fenella and she addressed all of these with so much insight and compassion helping me to change my perspective and feel better.
Public Speaking
I would like to thank you so much for all your help with my speech. The day went very well and my speech went better! I completely nailed it. Lots of laughs and cheers and after lots of people complemented me on it. Thank you. (speech for his daughter's wedding)
Before Fenella's help I felt confused and troubled, I wanted to find me again! With her support and methods which at times I felt "no way can this help, but they did" we were able to peel away the layers. After every session I felt we had accomplished so much.
If I ever need support again I would head straight for Fenella :)Relationship Issues
I just wanted to drop you a note to say a huge "thank you" for my session last week. I really appreciate all your time and help. Since I saw you, I have felt very different, its hard to avoid cliches, but - lighter, calmer and more hopeful for the future. I am fascinated by how day-by-day, I am continuing to evolve and build on what we worked so hard on in just two hours! So thank you again, I hope to see you again in the future , and I'm sure I will be in an even better, happier place!
Moving on from a Relationship
"I went to Fenella after realising I needed to talk through with someone about how to move on after the end of a 26 year relationship. She helped enormously by recognising where I was still hurting and gave me ways to work through them and now I feel much happier, more confident and ready for the next adventure in life."
Anxiety over new College
I came to Fenella with anxiety over a new start at college, however after only a couple of sessions with her it's a completely different story. I no longer feel worried about college and thanks to Fenella have now started to really enjoy myself there. Any anxiety's I had before seeing Fenella have completely disappeared and I really couldn't thank her enough for being so understanding and for helping me! Zoe
Golfing Issues
I am a golfer and had what is loosely called “the shanks” whereby all your iron shots go to the right, off the hosel and I was scared to hit any iron from pitching wedge through to six iron, in case it did this.
I was apprehensive about seeing a hypnotherapist, but Fenella made the whole experience stressfree and calm and put me at ease from the start.
Through talking about my fears and understanding the root causes I found the treatment made a significant change to my lifestyle, golf and to how I cope with stress. I still regularly listen to my recording especially in times of anxiety / depression and it certainly relaxes me.
Travel Issues
Fenella made my trips easy as she makes the whole experience stressfree and calm, I have found the treatment has made a significant change to my lifestyle and how I cope. I still regularly listen to my recording especially in times of stress it works!
Performance Fears
ust thought that you would be please to hear that I took the plunge with my singing and my friend and I recorded our first attempt of a cover (one of my favourite bands) and we even got a message from the band saying we did a great job!! We put the link on facebook and everyone has given us such amazing feedback. I feel so overwhelmed and a massive weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I already feel so much more confident with singing already! I just wanted to thank you because I don't think I would have been able to have done it if it wasn't for your sessions. Still got a long way to go but I am starting to see some small changes in my confidence and have you to thank for it! :)
Here is the link if you wanted to listen as well.
http://soundcloud.com/angeandjamesacousticFear of Flying
Just had to tell you that my flights were both truly great! A particular success with the second, smaller plane. No problems, no worries and I actually enjoyed it! CH
First I want to say a very belated thank you for my sessions with you last year, I can't believe the difference they have made to my life. So many of my past problems have been 'let go' and I have felt so much better for it. I look at life in a very different way now and friends commented that they saw a difference in me from my first session with you.
Physical Pain
Dear Fenella
Just to say that I've just got back from a great trip to Mallorca and had to let you know that I have been very well indeed. I know I had asked to be healed and feel that it has happened through you as the conduit and your individual ministrations.
I - and my husband - are grateful. You cannot imagine such a dramatic change since it all started 6 years ago. Whatever it was, it was getting seriously, progressively worse to becoming life threatening. Sounds rather dramatic but it was both chronic & acute at the same time, with an intensity that was overwhelming. Since seeing you, my heart has behaved itself with some possible 'sensations' of fatigue but it did manage some endurance hikes and even a major cycle ride to the top of the highest point of Cap de Formentor.
14 Year Old Panics Staying Away From Home
"Thank you very much for your help, I had a sleep over and it all went really well and my nerves were gone"
Hair Falling Out
I contacted Fenella Gabriel with a certain amount of scepticism about my hair falling out, having had no personal experience of alternative therapies at all and certainly no understanding of what hypnotherapy would involve or could achieve. I am certainly not someone who shuns conventional medicine when it comes to solving the problems that our bodies can throw at us, and have happily chomped my way through courses of antibiotics and analgesics and whatever other pills my GP has ever prescribed for me in the past! So it was with a degree of desperation (and a certain degree of embarrassment...I didn't tell anyone that I was going!) that I made an appointment to see Fenella.
My hair had been falling out in huge amounts for several months and had become very thin. I was so stressed and upset about it and could see no end in sight. I could think of almost nothing else, from the moment I woke up constantly worrying about it, feeling it, looking in the mirror and focusing on how thin it looked. I was having anxiety attacks about it and was finding it difficult to sleep. I had (of course!) been to my GP who had arranged blood tests to see if there was a physical reason such as anaemia or an under-active or over-active thyroid etc. The blood tests all came back showing nothing was wrong so my GP said there was nothing more she could do and that I should go away and stop worrying about it as stressing about it wouldn't help matters. I was aware that stress was making it worse and had probably been the cause of it in the first place but just could not stop worrying about it given that handfuls and handfuls of hair were falling out every day! So hence my reason for going to see Fenella Gabriel. Despite my initial scepticism, as soon as I met her and sat in her home I had genuine belief that she would be able to help me, I felt completely comfortable with everything about the whole experience. I had one session with her and left feeling utterly different, lighter, more positive and sort of....elated! It's hard to describe, but I just knew that when I washed my hair the next day it would no longer be falling out. And it wasn't! Literally from the day after my first session my hair had stopped falling out! It is now just over 2 weeks later and I feel total confidence that the problem will not return and whilst I do not fully understand why it stopped so suddenly, I'm just very thankful that it has! The mind is clearly powerful enough to cause physical manifestations of stress in our bodies, so the mind is equally capable of stopping them when it chooses, but I needed Fenella to show me how to make that happen. I would absolutely have no hesitation in recommending Fenella Gabriel.Anxiety
“I was recommended Fenella though a friend of a friend, I was down and suffering from anxiety, and being honest was dubious about if ‘anyone’ could help me. I was wrong, from the moment I met Fenella I realised I was not ‘cracking’ up and with her great help and the tools she teaches you I am now greatly improved in all areas of life! A big thank you!.. Please don’t be alone and scared, this woman can seriously help and in a short amount of time!!" James
Dental Fears
"I am now using the techinques during dental treatments, fantastic!"
Work and Relationships
"I met Fenella by chance and even before I knew what she did as a profession, I realised she had a special gift that made her extremely insightful into how people develop fears and more importantly knew how she could help people to overcome them by digging back to the roots of the fears and feelings.
Fenella has helped me become confident in my professional life, making me realise I am good enough and things that once gave me anxiety I now take in my stride. On the relationship side, Fenella has helped me understand the root of my anxieties and has helped me take the steps I needed to get myself out of continuous cycle I found myself in when it came to relationships.
I have recommended Fenella to a number of friends who equally have found her invaluable and to anyone who is reading this, I cannot recommend her strongly enough!"Stress
"Fenella Gabriel is someone I would not hesitate to recommend to a friend. When I first met her, I was impressed both by her calm and by her quality of approachability. She is someone who has a great deal of humanity, I have never felt for a second that I was just another client: everyone feels their individuality and their worth when working with Fenella.
A hypnotherapist must be trustworthy, they have access to our deepest fears and anxieties and it must take care, skill and experience to do so. When I leave a session with Fenella, I feel two things: 1) that it is possible to deal with whatever problem I have at the time and 2) the world is actually a much nicer place than it was before the session.
For anyone intimidated by the term 'hypnotherapist' I urge them to try Fenella: the feeling is much more that of a guided meditation with no sensation of being out of control or subject to the will of another. There is no risk of making a fool of yourself - rather a possibility of discovering a happier path through your own life."
“I was suffering with insomnia and related daytime anxiety. Fenella helped me to help myself, using a combination of different techniques, including relaxation and visualisation. She also made me dispel any negative assumptions I had about my personality. By simply talking through my worries with Fenella I felt that she completely understood how I was feeling. I can genuinely say that I am now feeling so much better, my sleep patterns have improved enormously and my levels of anxiety are now almost non-existent.”
"I still count my blessings that I met you when I did. I feel absolutely certain that without your counselling and hypnotherapy treatments I would not have survived last year's events. Better than that, I feel confident and optimistic about the future and I know that I can cope with whatever I have to face now.
Lots of people don't understand what you do. They have seen shows on TV whereby people are made to do things and they are afraid. I tell them that in my experience it is just a form of relaxation and clearing the mind of things that get in the way of being able to think clearly. I also reassure them that I was always completely aware of my actions the whole time and that I would not hesitate to recommend you."
Past Problems
"Thank you Fenella for your counselling and hypnotherapy treatments ~ I had gotten to a point in my life where the problems of the past were interfering too much with my present and in effect, my future ~ I needed to take control of my life and am so thankful that I came to you ~ I now feel as if the whole weight of the world has been lifted from my shoulders at last and I can now look at life square in the eye, smile and be proud of who I am and what I’ve come through!. For those of you who are wary of hypnosis, please be assured that there really is nothing to be suspicious of ~ you are aware of your actions the whole time, I would recommend hypnotherapy and Fenella to anyone (and I have!!)
Thank you again Fenella!!"
Chronic Condition
"I have only fairly recently met Fenella but without doubt she has changed my life. I was suffering from a condition for more than 15 years and she was my last hope, my last port of call, my last ditch attempt at trying to get myself better the alternative way. I have seen and paid more independent alternative therapists than I care to count both financially and emotionally. The good old health service wouldn't offer any support or help (I'm sure I'm not the only one to have said this).
Fenella is amazing, so kind, considerate, a great listener, easy to talk to, (most importantly) extremely knowledgeable in her field of expertise and if recommendations count for anything, as she was recommended to me, I now recommend her to you.
I took the plunge and picked up the phone, after all I had nothing to lose and neither do you. I can truthfully say she has made such a difference by helping me overcome something which has prohibitively affected my lifestyle for such a long time. I truthfully didn't think I would ever meet anyone who could have helped me. Fenella has and is continuing to do so."
I'm a busy mum with two small children who thought "I really can't spare the time" , "I can't find a babysitter", "I'll just live with it" , well if this sounds like you believe me I found ways and means to enable me to book my first session and since then I haven't looked back. I was already benefiting from her treatment after only two sessions so it hasn't been too demanding on my time or pocket!
Relationship Traumas
"Being hypnotised only means that you have a safe place to escape to. You are still in total control. It was time for me, time for me to help myself. It gave me the opportunity to escape into a third person, my sub-conscious and not to feel so responsible. It gave me time to be able to look at my issues from another perspective; it was like helping a friend with a problem, rather than discussing my own problems.
Hypnotherapy gives the opportunity to think about how you actually, really felt about things in your past without having to worry about upsetting or hurting other people. It can take you right back to the moment, make you feel that you are actually there all over again, but in a very safe way.
With Fenella’s guidance you are able to deal with your feelings, resolve them and put them to bed in a way that you hadn’t felt possible. I was amazed at how quickly the issues I had had difficulty with for years were resolved, right there in the moment."
Life Issues
"Some time ago I had been trying to find a good hypnotherapist. This took a few months as there was a need to find someone with whom I felt empathy, would be sensitive and who would operate in a secure environment in total confidence.
The kind of thing I came for:
I was seeking help for some issues as well as resolution and healing of others. I had tried to do this myself but realised the personal issues were deeply buried in the past. Though I went to the first session with an open mind, I still had some concerns about opening up to a complete stranger. I found myself in a supportive environment with a qualified, experienced practitioner who was inspired confidence and made me feel very relaxed. Fenella Gabriel was able to offer a deep insight of my issues and offered me a way to resolve them using hypnotherapy and one-to-one discussions.
General experience with the therapy, therapist:
My overall experience of the therapy was good. The process was intriguing and revelatory; the results effective and lasting. Though the therapist was highly professional, she was able to understand the problems with both sensitivity and common sense. She also had a fundamental personal spirituality which I appreciated and which opened up another level of healing."
Childhood Problems
I just wanted to day a massive thank you for everything you've done for my daughter. It has been a few weeks now since we last saw you and she hasn't looked back, she can't even believe she ever had a problem. We have yet to go on our long day out but I am confident everything will be fine. Its so amazing, I can't tell you what a massive relief it is for me as well as our family. Thanks so much again!
Health Issues
Meeting Fenella was a major turning point in my life. I had been struggling to cope with a condition for over 15 years through the means of Western medicine, which only treated symptoms rather than focusing on the root cause. Through my sessions with Fenella, I learnt a lot about myself, that am I nowhere near as mad as I believed and that I can achieve anything if I put my mind to it.
I am now a more much confident, focused and happy person. I owe Fenella a great deal of gratitude and wouldn't hesitate to recommend her to anybody.
Suppressed Feelings
I was so surprised with my session today - a long deep hidden feeling suppressed for so long. Thank you for helping me to release it.
I was quite tired yesterday afternoon. I slept really well and woke this morning feeling lighter, energised and brighter.
My sessions with you have really helped. Thank you so much.Teenage Fears and Pressure
‘I sought help from Fenella for an overwhelming anxiety that I felt debilitated my life. However, in a shockingly short time I was transformed. I was completely new to hypnotherapy and the other treatments that we explored, but Fenella made me feel so at ease, took me through it all step by step in a safe space, and I really enjoyed the experience. I learnt things that I will carry with with me forever. The work we did has saved my life in many ways, and I feel so grateful to Fenella. I would recommend her to a friend or stranger, she was exactly what I needed and more, I will be forever thankful to her.’
Give Yourself The Gift of Freedom
90 minutes £85
Extra 30 mins £30
Children under 18:
60 minutes £55